LAS VIANDAS SELECCION SL. is a company dedicated to catering for groups and/or catering for groups that has professionals with extensive experience in the sector capable of offering a high quality of service to clients and users.
Since our beginnings we have always had the philosophy of continuous improvement and to achieve consolidation as a leading company in our sector, the Management of LAS VIANDAS SELECCION SL. maintains an integrated Quality and Environment management system based on the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.

ISO 9001

ISO 14001
The guidelines that emanate from this policy can be summarized in the following basic principles or objectives:
- Human team: The best value of LAS VIANDAS SELECCION SL. It is its human team that is responsible for conveying to our clients the keys to our philosophy, based on professionalism, closeness, seriousness, and commitment to the services provided and the product offered.
- Customer satisfaction: Customers are our reason for being, so we not only seek to satisfy their needs and requirements, but we try to anticipate their expectations by providing quality service at very competitive prices.
- Commitments: Management maintains a commitment to comply with client requirements, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to our activity.
- Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve the effectiveness of our management system, taking into account all the interest groups of our business and the risks and opportunities they offer us, to guarantee our permanent adaptation to the demands of an increasingly competitive market and a constantly evolving environment.
- Implement actions to minimize risks and promote opportunities: We carry out a context analysis, the needs and expectations of our interested parties and the processes carried out and from there we extract the risks and opportunities, and establish the appropriate actions to carry out for those that are most significant.
- Maintain an environmental commitment: Maintain responsibility with the environment that surrounds us, with one of our main commitments being the protection of the Environment and especially the prevention of pollution. To do this, we identify and evaluate our environmental aspects with a focus on life cycle analysis.
Considering these guidelines, this management reiterates its firmest commitment by joining efforts to achieve these objectives, so this policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the organization.
The direction